Meet the Weight Loss Expert: Susan Brehm

Article posted in: Nutrisystem
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Meet Nutrisystem Online Support Coach Susan Brehm. Susan has helped countless customers reclaim their health and happiness and now she’s here to help you!

That’s right, Susan will be the next healthy host for our Facebook live chat series, Ask the Expert. This 30-minute biweekly event will give you the chance to chat with a Nutrisystem dietitian or coach about healthy-living topics. This week, Susan will be covering the topic of PowerFuels. Join us LIVE on Facebook on Thursday, March 31st at 7 p.m. for this great event.

In the meantime, get to know our expert with our quick Q&A:

1. Have you ever struggled with your weight? If so, how has that shaped your approach to coaching?
As soon as I moved out on my own, I started gaining weight. No one was there to tell me that eating ice cream each night for dinner was not a good idea. This made me realize that losing weight was different for everyone. I view each person as an individual, and understand that the struggle is not the same for every person. Therefore the coaching advice I give for one person is not always the same for the next.

2. What is one thing you wished every customer knew?
I wish that every customer knew that the average weight loss on the plan is one to two pounds per week. Even though one pound may not seem like much, it adds up after a while!

3. How do you stay on track during holidays/birthdays/celebrations?
Remember: the holiday meal, birthday party or anniversary celebration is typically only one meal. Instead of going off plan for the whole day, you can be very successful with following the plan all day and then going off the plan for the big meal!

4. What would you say to someone who is convinced they’ll never lose that weight or get healthier?
IT TAKES TIME AND EFFORT! We didn’t gain the weight overnight (even though it may seem that way) and the weight will not come off without effort.

5. How do you turn around a bad day?
Listening to some Tim McGraw or Luke Bryan makes my blues go away. Cuddling with my cat helps, too!

6. Why did you choose to be a Weight Loss Coach?
I have always been a goal-setter my whole life. I have found that setting goals for others and helping them attain those goals is very rewarding. I want to be able to say at the end of the day that I made a difference for at least one person that day.

7. What’s the best tip you give someone when coaching?
Make sure to eat everything that is listed. Many of us have the misconception that cutting our calories as low as possible is a way to lose weight quicker. In reality, it can slow the metabolism and can cause the body to want to conserve the calories you are putting in.

8. Can you tell us about a time when you helped someone through your job and it impacted your life?
I am always touched when a customer calls in after finishing his or her first month on the plan and losing more than they expected. Their excitement was contagious and made me feel like my hard work as a coach was paying off.

9. What is the most popular question you get?
“I gained weight from yesterday. Why?” Your weight will naturally fluctuate daily. Weighing weekly is more accurate for measuring weight loss.

10. What’s your favorite Nutrisystem meal?
It’s a tie: Three Cheese Chicken and Red Beans and Rice!

11. How do you fit fitness into your day?
I personally find it easier for me to do 15 minutes before I go to work and 15 minutes after work. This way, it’s not so daunting after an exhausting, busy day at work. When Grey’s Anatomy or Scandal is on, I’ll forego the glass of wine and pick up the jump rope or ab wheel during commercial breaks.

12. What’s a great day at work look like for you?
The perfect day at work is when I get to listen to at least one success story. More are always welcome!

13. When you cheat, what do you choose?
Breakfast foods like scrapple and bagels! Yum! J

14. What are your favorite SmartCarbs?
Bread, bread and more bread!

15. Can you share your favorite quote with us?
Stop wishing and start doing.