Celebrating 50 Years of Nutrisystem

Article posted in: Nutrisystem
Nutrisystem 50th Anniversary

A lot of diet fads have come and gone since 1972. There have been pills that promised to melt off fat overnight, books that claimed to have sure-fire plans for rapid weight loss, and so many “secret formulas” shared among friends and family. And nowadays, phone apps are showing up with algorithm-based advice that is supposed to crack the code of weight loss.

While so many fads have come and gone in the last 50 years, Nutrisystem has provided millions of people with exactly what they need to drop excess pounds and become healthier for the rest of their lives. Losing weight with Nutrisystem plans has remained so popular for a half-century because there’s no “fad of the month” or secret involved. Nutrisystem plans are all about eating well, enjoying the foods you like and sensible nutrition. Here’s why Nutrisystem remains one of the most trustworthy and reliable ways to lose weight.

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Nutrisystem is proven to work.

Millions of satisfied customers in the last 50 years have relied on Nutrisystem to help them reach their healthy weight. You don’t just have to take our word for it. Nutrisystem customers like these love to share their inspiring success stories.

Built on science.

Your Perfect Balance of Fat, Protein and Carbs

So many people are succeeding with Nutrisystem because the plans are based on the work of researchers and dietitians who have studied our bodies and our minds to uncover the keys to long-term weight loss. Fads come and go because they either lack research or come from research that is skewed to fit the goal of selling people on their plans. Nutrisystem’s experts understand the solid science of health and nutrition and that informs every aspect of our plans.

Balanced nutrition.

Real, lasting weight loss has to be grounded in a healthy diet that you can eat every day—not just for a few weeks or months. Nutrisystem is built on high-protein meals designed to provide plenty of energy and to keep you full after you eat. The lean proteins are paired with lower-glycemic carbohydrates which help control hunger and keep your blood sugar steady. Add in all the non-starchy vegetables you like and you have a sensible way to eat that helps you lose excess weight while staying well and strong.

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Eating often.

Day of Nutrisystem foodAny diet that deprives you of eating when you’re hungry can never work. Nutrisystem actually encourages you to eat six times a day with meals and snacks that satisfy your appetite and keep hunger pangs at bay. This sustains your energy throughout the day and lets you focus on what you want to do, not on how famished you’re feeling.

Plans that fit you.

While the basics of good nutrition are similar for most adults, we all have different needs and tastes. Unlike diet fads, which prescribe the exact same thing for everyone, Nutrisystem offers personalized options that allow you to customize your plan to fit your needs. The Nutrisystem app also provides you with a personalized meal plan designed for your unique metabolism. Our plans are tailored to your gender, weight, activity level and more. Not to mention the ability to customize your menu with your favorite foods and flavors! Nutrisystem works so well because it’s designed for who you are.

Nutrisystem Lemon Caper Chicken

Real food.

So many diet fads are doomed to failure because they push you to eat one kind of food or ban you from certain types of foods. With Nutrisystem, you eat all of the foods you really like. We’re talking about burgers, pizza, pasta and even ice cream and cookies. It’s one of the only weight loss plans that makes these favorites a part of your daily diet.

Prepared and portioned for you.

One of the main challenges to losing weight is cooking healthy food. Nutrisystem does most of the work for you. You pick from a diverse menu of tempting options, each ready to eat within minutes. That means you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen cooking, and can easily avoid unhealthy fast food when you’re in a rush. Better yet, there’s no counting points or hard work in the kitchen!  You choose a meal you feel like eating and you can be sure it’s right for you.

We also teach you how to prepare simple meals on your own that you can easily incorporate into your busy schedule. A few times a week, you’ll cook up healthy Flex meals using our easy-to-follow guidelines. This sets you up for success in the long-term. You’ll select your favorite healthy grocery additions in proper portions, so you can enjoy the foods and meals you love while losing weight and getting healthy!

Meal delivery.

Nutrisystem box at front door

With Nutrisystem, you won’t ever have to rely on a delivery app or wait in long lines for the drive-thru window. Nutrisystem meals and snacks are so handy because they come right to your door and they’re in your freezer and pantry whenever you want them. You get all of the convenience you need and none of the temptation to eat food you know isn’t good for you.

Always updated.

Fads and diet books get stuck with their original ideas about weight loss. When new research emerges, they are left behind as people move on. Nutrisystem plans are built on a solid nutritional foundation. As researchers and dietitians learn more about healthy eating, the plans evolve to incorporate the latest understanding of weight loss. For over 50 years, Nutrisystem has relied on the basics of good nutrition that rarely change while also bringing you fresh ideas and insights on how to make that work for you.

Lifelong change.

Nutrisystem Blueberry MuffinDiet fads may be able to help you drop pounds for the short-term, but Nutrisystem teaches you how to eat well and maintain your ideal weight. The ups and downs of weight loss and weight gain can lead to frustration. With Nutrisystem, you are prepared to reach your goal and to stay there for the rest of your life. Now that’s worth celebrating!

Ready to begin your weight loss journey? Get started with a proven Nutrisystem plan today! >