How to Slim Down During the Celebrations

Article posted in: Lifestyle

Have you heard the phrase “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” Well, when it comes to holiday weight loss, we think truer words were never spoken. Keep doing the things that have already proven effective, and you’ll get through the holiday hoopla unscathed.

Weigh In

Hit the scale with your normal frequency to ensure you’re staying on track, and to maintain perspective on any slip-ups you might have. Stepping on the scale after a few indulgences will help you refocus on your goals and put the deviation behind you.

Track It

Continue to log your meals and utilize the tools that have kept you on track thus far. Being accountable might be the difference between a successful season and a festive flop!

Don’t Drink Your Calories

Holiday or not, the rules stay the same. Our recommendation is that you refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. But, if you choose to make an exception this holiday, shoot for lower calorie options like light or low carb beers, or a small glass of wine.

Greet the Urge to Splurge Head-On

We believe the most effective approach to weight loss is to stick with Nutrisystem. But we acknowledge that sometimes, you might decide to do otherwise. With that said, if you’re going to splurge, make it worth it. Don’t be guilted into polishing off sugar cookies or candy canes if what you’re really craving is a slice of pie. Instead, have the thing you can’t keep your mind off of and then get your behind back on plan!