When heading out for a trip away, we plan, we pack, and we prepare with the right clothes, toiletries and proper identification needed for our get-away. But with the pre-trip hustle and bustle we can easily forget to plan, pack and prepare the right foods to stay on track. It’s no wonder that our health sometimes takes a backseat on travel days with all that’s going on. But with a little help from your support system here at Nutrisystem, you can learn to eat healthy at the airport, and arrive at your destination ahead of the game.
Pack the Snacks
Carve out some time before you leave to plan your eating for the day. Ideally, this would start with a balanced meal at home to keep you full as you hit the security line. Don’t count on the airport offerings to quell your hunger. Instead, pack a portable Nutrisystem snack, sliced fruit and veggies, or nuts. If you are flying during meal-time, pack a low-maintenance meal like a whole-grain, lean meat sandwich or an egg-white wrap. All of these will pass muster with security and keep you raring to go for your long travels ahead.
Grab n’ Go like a Pro
If your planning has gone out the window and you find yourself caught in the terminal without a healthy snack pack, there are still plenty of options for healthy munching. First, stock up on plenty of water for the flight. The high elevations can do a number on your hydration so combat it with a steady flow of H2O. Coffee, tea and Seltzer water all hit the high mark for liquid consumption as well. Snack smart at the airport kiosks with dried fruit, whole wheat peanut butter crackers, unsalted nuts, trail mix and low- or no-fat yogurt. When hitting the food court, opt for fresh fruit options, salads, sushi and thin crust veggie pizza.
Just Say ‘No’ to Junk
Traveling can exhaust us and diminish our willpower. Don’t double down on the side effects by then piling on the junk food. Avoid alcohol, soda and sugary energy drinks. Skip the candy aisle and other sweet treats like donuts, ice cream and pastries. These will be sure to spike your energy and then send it spiraling downwards. Stay away from the empty calories of chips and soft pretzels. Lastly, resist the urge for fast food, fried food and greasy pizzas that will get you nowhere close to your health destination.