The Egg-Cholesterol Connection Explained

Article posted in: Diet & Nutrition
Easter eggs on wooden background with space

If you’re like most people, you associate eggs with cholesterol—something to avoid.

But, according to the recently updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans, cholesterol is no longer listed as a nutrient of concern, meaning there is no longer a recommended daily maximum.*

The guidelines do note that there is strong evidence to suggest that eating patterns that include lower intake of dietary cholesterol are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. And moderate evidence indicates that these eating patterns are associated with a reduced risk of obesity. Some experts contend that this may be because the diet is composed of multiple, interacting nutrients–not just a reduction in cholesterol. And, most foods high in cholesterol, like meat and cheese, are also high in saturated fats.

So what’s the take-away? By choosing a diet that is lower in cholesterol, you are ultimately choosing foods that are also lower in saturated fats, which may reduce your risk of heart disease. Here’s the “egg-cellent” news: While high in cholesterol, eggs are lower in saturated fat compared to other protein choices, which is why the new guidelines recommend including them, along with a variety of other protein foods, in your diet.

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This is great news for egg-lovers, who’ve been conditioned to skip the cholesterol-containing food. It’s also good news for anyone seeking a healthy diet, since eggs are something of a nutritional superstar. One large egg contains 13 essential vitamins and minerals, a whopping six grams of protein, and all nine essential amino acids–the building blocks of protein… all for just 70 calories.

Here are four fresh ways to enjoy eggs:

Omelet Muffins
Combine eggs with your favorite veggies when you make these Loaded Omelet Muffins or these Delicious Veggie Omelet Muffins, both perfect for getting in some “good-for-you” even when you’re on the go.

Chopped Salads
Add some protein to simple chopped salads by topping them with a hardboiled egg. Time-saving Tip: Boil up a big of batch of eggs on Sunday evenings to have with these delicious mason jar salads all week long.

Egg Salad Sandwiches
Mix one hardboiled egg with mashed avocado and a few other easy ingredients in this Skinny Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich for a tasty and hearty sandwich that goes heavy on flavor without all the guilt.

Scramble up an egg and add it to your veggie stir-fry with two tablespoons of chopped peanuts and some low-sodium soy sauce, then serve over a half cup of brown rice for a flex dinner full of nutrition and flavor.

*Note: Cholesterol is still a nutrient of concern for individuals with diabetes.