10 Customers Share Their “Aha!” Moments
Article posted in: Success Stories - Men
We’ve all had an “Aha!” moment in life. That crucial moment when the solution—or even the need for a solution—becomes suddenly clear. It’s no different when it comes to one’s weight loss journey. Most people who have begun a journey to lose weight admit that they had an important defining moment that lead them to that decision. The same is true for Nutrisystem clients. They can remember the very specific moment when they realized Nutrisystem was the solution for them.
We recently caught up with 10 of our customers to ask them about their “Aha!” moments. Each customer speaks of their defining moment when they knew they had to make a change, and they knew that Nutrisystem was the answer.
Here’s what 10 of our customers had to say about their “Aha!” moment:
1. “I had my picture taken with Santa and I looked bigger than him!”
For Michelle Rhoads, seeing that photo was a wake-up call that she thinks of as her “Aha!” moment. She knew she had to make a change—and Nutrisystem was that change. After losing five pounds in her first week on the program* and still feeling motivated about the diet, Michelle says she knew she could stick with it. Fitting into a little black dress is one of her favorite memories of the journey. Now, she runs, does weight training, takes classes, and even takes—and teaches—spin class. She says it’s all thanks to getting healthy, which she says has made her a happier person, as well as a better mom and wife. She’s even done some things she never thought she’d do such as run marathons!
2. “I took photos for our family holiday card and was shocked by how heavy I looked.”
Ann Stack says that looking at a family photo—which should have only made her feel joyous—was a harsh realization. That was the very moment she decided to take control of her life and start Nutrisystem, and it’s paid off. Ann says it has taught her that she is “capable of great things.” She’s now proud to be a good role model for her kids and loves telling them (and reminding herself): “You’re in charge of you!” It all comes down to taking control, she says. Since doing just that, Ann is now proud of the photos she has taken. In fact, one of her favorite memories since starting the Nutrisystem program was when she took a group photo and placed herself front and center without even realizing it. In the past, she would have always hidden behind people—but now she’s proud of herself and her control over her health.
3. “I was asked if I was pregnant—and I wasn’t.”
Cory Goodrich still remembers how much it hurt when she was asked if she was pregnant. She says it made her feel horrible about herself—but it also made her want to make a change. Since making that change, and getting healthy, Cory says she has gained a tremendous amount of confidence, and that’s even helped in her career—which she says has taken off since her confidence has risen. Cory says that whereas she used to nap and struggle to get through a day, she now feels like the Energizer Bunny and can just keep going—all day long. She says it’s all thanks to getting healthy on Nutrisystem.
4. “I got an email from Nutrisystem—when I needed it most.”
Rebecca Dalton says she was sitting at her mom’s kitchen table, as a size 16, eating a donut, and hating herself for it. That’s when an email from Nutrisystem caught her eye on her phone. She says she read through the entire thing twice, picked up the phone, and called—and she is so glad she did. While Rebecca says that being a size six again felt like a pipe dream to her, she made it her goal. She was going to be the chair of a big upcoming event and knew she didn’t want to be a size 16 in front of everyone. When she went to stand in front of the crowd, only six months later, she was proud to be a size four, thanks to Nutrisystem helping her take back control of her health.
5. “I saw a picture of myself—and I didn’t look the way I thought I did.”
So often it is a photograph that serves as an “Aha!” moment. In Charlene Bulovic’s case, the way she pictured herself in her mind just didn’t mesh with what she was seeing in a photograph. Charlene says she didn’t look as “put together” as she thought she did and since her baby was now three, the excuse of blaming it on “baby weight,” no longer felt valid. That’s when the stay-at-home mom decided she needed some extra help. She turned to Nutrisystem and says she learned she had even more strength than she ever realized. She has gained newfound confidence and says her doctor has said she appears to be a whole new person now. She says there is no doubt she’s a happier, healthier person as a result of Nutrisystem.
6. A photo of myself made my cry.
Another photograph “Aha!” moment, Merryl Bernstein says that she could hardly believe what she looked like in a photo she saw of herself. After seeing the picture, she stepped on the scale and saw the number 200—something she never expected she’d see. She knew that was it—it was time to take care of herself. Before Nutrisystem, Merryl says she would get tired or sore after doing anything active. But now she loves to hike and bike and feels great doing it. She has a whole lot more energy and feels stronger and more fit. Her advice to Nutrisystem newbies would be to do it for you. You deserve better health.
7. “My doctor told me I was morbidly obese.”
For Jonathon W., a visit to the doctor in which he was told he needed to change—his life depended on it—was the kick he needed to start Nutrisystem. Since starting the program, Jonathon says his favorite victory was buying new jeans. He is also no longer winded when climbing upstairs or going for long walks. He says that Nutrisystem gave him his health back. He is now able to sit in an airplane seat without needing an extra belt, and he loves being active without getting tired. His best advice to Nutrisystem newbies would be to understand it’s a lifestyle change. Keep at it!
8. “I had a physical and got my weight checked.”
Don Wilson says he was devastated when he went to a physical and found out he was 250 pounds. He hadn’t weighed himself in a while, or realized how that number had climbed. In that moment, Don says he knew he had to “take his life back,” and that’s just what he did by connecting with Nutrisystem. Today he is kayaking regularly and has plans to skydive soon. He’s loving life and the newfound energy that he has gained through the program. Don says that people should know that the program is a journey and to stick with it. If you do, it will work, he adds.
9. “I caught a glimpse in the mirror—and hated how I looked.”
Laura Avon says that a glance in a mirror, and a realization that she was unhappy with herself, was a wake-up call to “do something.” In the first week of the program, on Fast 5, Laura says she dropped those five pounds* and was incredibly motivated to keep going. She adds that Nutrisystem was the answer she was looking for. Today, she has so much more energy and wakes up every day feeling great. Her skin is even clearer and she has gained a boatload of confidence. Laura says she attributes all of it to Nutrisystem’s assistance in tackling her weight.
10. “I was denied entry on rides at a waterpark because of my weight.”
Edouard Dorval says that he had a troubling “Aha!” moment when he took a date to a waterpark and was denied entry on most of the rides because their combined weight was over 400 pounds. Since his date weighed 145 pounds, Edouard says he knew the problem was him. That was the moment when he decided to do something about it. After losing 85 pounds, Edouard says that Nutrisystem has changed his life “drastically.” He can now run in the park without being winded or sweating excessively. And he’s happier too. One of his favorite Nutrisystem memories was when his pants fell off because they no longer fit!
*Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence. Expect to lose an avg of 1-2 lbs per week.
All Nutrisystem® testimonials lost weight as claimed on the Nutrisystem program. Most are real customers who submitted their success stories to us, or who entered our annual contests. From time to time, Nutrisystem obtains testimonials from bloggers or by casting call volunteers, all of whom have been provided the Nutrisystem program at no cost. Nutrisystem testimonials who are chosen to attend a shoot for a television commercial taping or a photo shoot are paid for their travel expenses and provided a daily allowance for food while at the shoot.