“I Felt Amazing on My Wedding Day.”
Article posted in: Success Stories - Women
Making a Change for Her Big Day
“I was at the highest weight of my entire life.”
Planning a wedding is stressful enough. Many add to the pressure by trying to lose weight before the big day. Allison Forster didn’t want all that stress.
“I refused to make myself miserable leading up to my wedding by obsessing over food and weight loss,” she says. Allison says she’d accepted that she was overweight,and was even OK with gaining a few pounds before her wedding. “When I went to purchase my wedding dress, I bought a dress that had room to grow.”
RELATED: Felicia’s Road to Weight Loss Success >
Allison’s mom suggested they try Nutrisystem—together. Initially, the bride-to-be was hesitant—she’d tried to lose weight in a hundred ways, with little success and lots of frustration. But mom convinced her to give it a shot.
Embracing Her Weight Loss Journey
“I didn’t have to stress about what food to eat, or have to worry about counting calories or points.”
Allison was shocked how easy her Nutrisystem meal plan was to follow. She enjoyed foods that would soon become her new favorites—the Double Chocolate Muffins, Roasted Turkey Medallions, and Ice Cream Sandwiches for dessert—and the weight came off while enjoying the food she was eating.
RELATED: How Gina Lost Over 100 Pounds >
“I was hooked! Once the first 10 pounds were shed, I realized I finally found something that worked for me.” The lunches worked especially well for Allison, who is a busy teacher. She could pop a no-refrigeration-needed Nutrisystem meal in the microwave and not have to worry about what was being served in the cafeteria or lurking in the vending machine. And when she got home, slow-cooked veggies were waiting to add to her Nutrisystem entree at dinner. “I put celery, potatoes and carrots in the slow cooker with broth,” she says. When it’s finished, she just drains the broth to enjoy the cooked veggies with bonus chicken flavor.
The best part: It wasn’t just easy. The food wasn’t just delicious. Nutrisystem worked. When Allison’s big day finally arrived, she was down to 155 pounds from 198. And that oversized dress she purchased needed to be taken in—a lot. It had to be sized down from a 20 to a 14.
“I felt amazing on my wedding day.”
But Allison didn’t stop just after “I do.” She’s lost even more weight since her wedding day, with a total of 61 pounds from her first start on Nutrisystem.* And she says that if you’re thinking about trying Nutrisystem, stop thinking! “Don’t wait,” she says. “You are wasting weight loss time by thinking about it. Take the leap!”
*Real Success Story. Weight lost on prior program. Expect to lose an avg 1-2 lbs per week.