“I’m done feeling self-conscious.”
Article posted in: Success Stories - Women
“Get ready to change your life.” That’s what Mei Yang would tell someone just starting out on Nutrisystem. She should know, because the plan changed hers. Nutrisystem took Mei from a self-conscious woman, to a confident and inspirational weight loss success story.
Mei had always struggled with her weight, yo-yo dieting throughout the years in an effort to get it under control. But she reached her breaking point when the scale tipped over 200 pounds. “When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t like myself,” she recalls. “I was uncomfortable in my own skin—unhappy and unhealthy.” A bout of heart palpitations prompted her to attempt another weight loss plan.
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After one month on Nutrisystem, she was excited to see results. “That was all the encouragement I needed to keep going,” she says. And the plan made it easy for her to stay the course: “As a dentist, I work long hours and often don’t have the time or energy to cook,” she admits. But with Nutrisystem, she could bring meals to work or come home to a dinner that’s ready in minutes. Mei even worked an exercise regimen into her schedule to help her stay healthy.
Over time, friends and family starting noticing Mei’s weight loss. One of her favorite moments: When a loved one suggested she buy new clothes because her’s were too baggy. She even stopped wearing black as often and ventured into cuter, more colorful outfits. “I’m done feeling self-conscious,” she says.
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“What began as just another ‘fad diet’ turned into a complete lifestyle change for me,” says Mei, who lost 54 pounds.* She learned to eat smarter and went from not being able to climb a flight of stairs to doing intense hour-long workouts every day. “I feel stronger and more confident.”
Mei has setbacks now and then: “I’ve indulged in cheat meals or fallen off the plan during vacation,” she admits. But Nutrisystem makes it easy to get back on track. “I’m committed to a better and healthier me,” she says. “I remember how sad I used to be, and know I never want to feel that way again.”
Ready to make a lifestyle change? Get started with a Nutrisystem weight loss plan today!
*Real Success Story. Weight lost on prior program. Expect to lose an avg 1-2 lbs per week.