How to Make a Healthier Potato Salad

Article posted in: Diet & Nutrition
Portion of homemade Potato Salad

Summer’s here, which means the invitations are arriving for pool parties, BBQs and picnics—and we’ve got one thing on our mind: Potato salad!

It’s a classic cookout fave, but these days we’re reaching for recipes that leave us feeling light and healthy, not weighed down. So check out our top five tips on how to make a healthier potato salad—and you’ll be set for summer in no time!

Tip #1 – Mayo: A No-No
Let’s face it: Mayo is the main culprit that lands potato salad on the “no thanks” list. Fortunately, there are so many ways to cut back on the fat and calories (and keep all the flavor!).

Our #1 go-to is to cut the mayo in the recipe in half, and use a reduced-fat version—we love Kraft Reduced-Fat Mayo with Olive Oil and Cracked Pepper. (Remember, one tablespoon of reduced-fat mayo = one Extra.)

Another trick we love is replacing half of the mayo with nonfat plain Greek yogurt—one cup counts as one PowerFuel, an added protein boost on your plan!

For tangier alternative, opt for a vinaigrette instead: Use your favorite low-fat or fat-free Italian or balsamic vinaigrette. Or make your own with two tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of Dijon mustard, three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper to taste (a third of this recipe = two Extras).

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Tip #2 – Spruce up your Spuds
All potatoes will fall into the SmartCarb category on plan, but don’t limit yourself to the typical white potatoes! Try red potatoes, Yukon gold, sweet potatoes or even Japanese purple potatoes for a different flavor and nutritional variety.

Tip #3 – Go Halfsies
Replace half of the potatoes in your recipe with steamed cauliflower, parsnips or turnips. You’ll cut back on some of the calories and bulk up the goodness with added nutrients.

Feeling adventurous? Try roasting your veggies first for an added layer of flavor!

Tip #4 – Bring on the Flavor
If you’ve cut back the calories by opting for a vinaigrette dressing in place of mayo, feel free to punch up the flavors by adding fresh herbs or veggies. Believe us—you won’t miss a thing once you’ve tasted the flavor upgrade! Our favorite add-ins: Fresh dill, green onions, chives, capers, green peas, bell peppers, celery and radishes. Play around with flavors until you find your favorite combo!

Tip #5 – Power up with Protein
Mix in cooked quinoa for an extra protein boost. While quinoa is high in protein, it falls into your SmartCarb category (a half cup = one SmartCarb serving)—so try swapping out half of the potatoes in your recipe for quinoa.

Or mix in diced grilled chicken or turkey breast in place of half of the potatoes for a tasty PowerFuel boost.

This tip, much like tips #3 and #4 above, make for a pretty non-traditional potato salad. But what we love about replacing half of the potatoes and bulking up with something more nutritious is that you don’t lose any of the heft of the salad, but you do get extra nutrients and may save yourself some of the calories in the process. So keep an open mind, try out a few options and see what you like.

Here’s to summer: Pool parties, BBQs and picnics—and endless varieties of healthier potato salad!