15 Healthy Flex Snack Combos for Your Weight Loss Plan

Article posted in: Nutrisystem for Men
Healthy and nutritious snack boxes with veggies, pita bread, hummus, apple slices and a hard boiled egg

You never feel famished as you shed excess pounds with Nutrisystem. That’s because you get to enjoy between-meal snacks that keep hunger at bay and your metabolism burning. The Nutrisystem menu offers you tempting snack choices that satisfy any craving, from salty to spicy to sweet. When you’re ready for a healthy Flex snack, you get to pick the perfect ingredients for your tastes.

Healthy Flex snacks on Nutrisystem include one PowerFuel, which are high in protein and low in unhealthy fats. Pair that with one SmartCarb—high-fiber, low-calorie grains, beans, fruit and starchy vegetables—and you have just the right balance to keep you full and energized until your next meal. You can enjoy just about any combination you like by choosing one of each from our Grocery Guide. Feel free to also add in some non-starchy veggies, Free Foods and Extras for more flavor.

To help you get started with your healthy Flex snack creations, we’ve put together this list of 15 combos that we love. We also included proper serving sizes and some tasty tips to keep things interesting.

Please Note: If you are using NuMi SmartAdapt, your Flex snack guidelines may be different. You can find your specific PowerFuel and SmartCarb goals in the NuMi app.

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1. Apples and Almond Butter

Apple and Nut Butter snack

PowerFuel: 1 Tbsp. nut butter

SmartCarb: 1 medium apple

Apples come in so many varieties these days. From tart green Granny Smiths to super-sweet Honey Crisp to mild-flavored Golden Delicious, you’re almost certain to find one that you love. Be sure to eat the apple skins because they contain much of the nutrients and fiber. A one-tablespoon serving of almond butter comes with about five grams of protein and a supply of unsaturated (healthy) fats.

Pro Tip: If you slice the apples more than 30 minutes before you’re ready to eat them, squirt them with a little lemon juice to keep them from turning brown.

2. Yogurt and Berries

fresh berries and yogurt

PowerFuel: ²⁄₃ cup or single serving container (about 6 oz.) low-fat or fat-free yogurt

SmartCarb: 1 cup berries (blackberries, blueberries, whole strawberries, etc.)

Creamy yogurt swirled with sweet berries is cool and refreshing any time of day. Try to stick with plain or fruit-based varieties with no more than 120 calories and 2.5g added sugar per serving. Greek yogurt tends to be thicker and have a little more protein than the standard types. You can mix in strawberries, blueberries or raspberries, or any combination you like.

Pro Tip: Frozen berries are as nutritious as fresh fruit, and they last much longer.

3. Cottage Cheese and Pineapple

Cottage Cheese and Pineapple

PowerFuel: ½ cup low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese with no salt added

SmartCarb: 1 cup pineapple

Cottage cheese is soft and milky with a mildly sour taste and tender curds that give it a slightly chewy texture. A half-cup serving of low-fat cottage cheese has almost 10 grams of protein and 50 milligrams of calcium, a crucial mineral for your metabolism. Sweeten it with fiber-rich chunks of juicy pineapple, which contains an enzyme that helps keep your digestion running smoothly.

Pro Tip: If you use canned pineapple, check the label to be sure it doesn’t contain added sugar or syrup.

4. Protein Shake with Fruit

nutrisystem shake

PowerFuel: 1 serving Nutrisystem Shake Mix

SmartCarb: 1 cup fruit

Whether you need a healthy snack you can take on the go or are just hankering for a thick, creamy drink, Nutrisystem’s Shakes are an easy solution. You can choose from vanilla or chocolate. Either way, you get 15 grams of protein to help fight hunger. Add a banana or a cup of strawberries, cherries or any other fruit you love, then whip until smooth. If you have another protein powder that you enjoy, make sure that it’s between 80 and 140 calories with at least 10g protein and no more than 5g added sugar per serving.

Pro Tip: Order both vanilla and chocolate varieties so you’ll always have the one you’re craving on hand. Stock up on Nutrisystem Shake Mix! >

5. Cheese and Whole Grain Crackers

Cheese and Whole Grain Crackers

PowerFuel: 1 slice (1 oz.) low-fat cheese

SmartCarb: whole grain crackers (serving size varies)

You get plenty of protein and calcium from cheese, so it’s a good choice when you need an energy boost. Low-fat varieties are lower in calories, so the serving size may be larger. Pair your cheese with whole grain crackers. Stick with whole grain varieties that contain 130 calories or less and at least 3g fiber per serving.

Pro Tip: Whole grain pretzels are another perfectly crunchy partner for your favorite cheese.

6. Celery, Peanut Butter and Raisins

Celery, Peanut Butter and Raisins ants on a log snack

PowerFuel: 1 Tbsp. nut butter

SmartCarb: ¼ cup raisins

The classic “ants on a log” you enjoyed as a kid is a healthy choice for adults, too. Celery has almost no calories and lots of fiber and biting into the stalks satisfies a craving for crunching. Spread the peanut butter in the celery’s center “groove” and top with a few raisins to sweeten up the flavor. Be sure to choose raisins that are unsweetened or reduced-sugar.

Pro Tip: Check labels to be sure you’re getting real peanut butter made with just nuts. Some brands have added extra oils and sugar, which dramatically increase the calorie count.

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7. Whole Grain PB&J

Whole Grain PB&J toast

PowerFuel: 1 Tbsp. nut butter

SmartCarb: 1 slice whole grain bread

Extra: 1 Tbsp. sugar-free jelly

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches never go out of style because they make such great partners. Peanut butter (your choice of creamy or chunky) brings you plenty of protein and healthy fats. Sugar-free jelly tops it with a hint of sweetness. (If you use regular jelly, stick with a one teaspoon size serving.) Start with a slice of whole-grain bread so you get lots of fiber to fill you up.

Pro Tip: Toast the bread first so that the peanut butter spreads more easily.

8. Fruit and Nuts

mixed nuts and dried fruit

PowerFuel: 2 Tbsp. nuts

SmartCarb: 1 cup fresh fruit OR ¼ cup dried fruit

If you want a snack you can eat on the go for quick energy, mix together a quarter-cup of dried fruit, such as raisins, apricots and cranberries, with two tablespoons of any nuts you like, including peanuts, pistachios, cashews and almonds. Choose dried fruit without added sugar and dry-roasted, unsalted nuts. If you want to enjoy fresh fruit, you can enjoy a larger serving size.

Pro Tip: If you like sweet and spicy flavors together, sprinkle a little (or a lot) of cayenne pepper on the nuts before you add the fruit. Or go in a different direction with the flavor and sprinkle cinnamon on the fruit. Either way, the spices are Free Foods you can enjoy without limit.

9. Deli Meat and Pita Bread

Deli Meat and Pita Bread with veggies

PowerFuel: 2 oz. deli meat

SmartCarb: 1 (6-inch) whole grain pita

A little sandwich can be a satisfying healthy snack. Take two ounces of low-sodium and low-fat ham or turkey and slip it inside a whole grain pita. Add all of the lettuce, tomatoes and onions you want. They’re non-starchy vegetables so they are unlimited. Top with mustard or a splash of herbed vinegar and dig in.

Pro Tip: Many brands of deli meats come with lots of extra salt. Choose the low-sodium varieties whenever possible.

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10. Hummus, Veggies and Nuts

Hummus, Veggies and Nuts

PowerFuel: 2 Tbsp. nuts

SmartCarb: ¼ cup hummus

When you’ve worked up a hearty appetite and your next big meal is a few hours away, veggies are sure to keep you satisfied. Fresh non-starchy vegetables like cucumbers, sweet peppers and celery are unlimited in your Nutrisystem weight loss plan. Perk them up by first dragging them through hummus, a creamy dip made with chickpeas that’s high in fiber and rich in protein. Sprinkle some nuts like almonds, cashews, peanuts, pecans, pistachios or walnut halves on your hummus, or enjoy them on the side for extra crunch.

Pro Tip: When it comes to choosing hummus, remember that the simpler the ingredient list is, the healthier the hummus will be for you. Even better, make a batch of our Roasted Garlic Hummus recipe which is simple to prepare and counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra per serving.

11. Hard-Boiled Egg on Toast

Hard-Boiled Egg on Avocado Toast

PowerFuel: 1 large egg

SmartCarb: 1 slice whole grain bread

Hard-boiled eggs are great for a grab-and-go healthy snack. Whip up a large batch during your meal prep so that you always have a protein-packed option on hand. We think they are great on toast for a smart and simple open-faced sandwich.

Pro Tip: Use up one of your daily Extras by spreading one tablespoon of pureed avocado on your toast before adding the eggs. It adds extra creaminess and healthy fats.

12. A Glass of Milk with Strawberries

A Glass of Milk with Strawberries

PowerFuel: 8 fl. oz. (1 cup) low-fat or fat-free milk

SmartCarb: 1 cup strawberries

Not hungry for a huge snack? You can drink your PowerFuel instead by sipping on a glass of low-fat milk. Pair it with a side of strawberries for some sweetness.

Pro Tip: Blend together your milk and strawberries for a tasty yet healthy strawberry milk without the added sugar.

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13. Edamame and Brown Rice

Edamame and Rice

PowerFuel: ½ cup shelled edamame

SmartCarb:½ cup cooked brown rice

Edamame is a protein-packed plant food that’s perfect for vegetarians and meat eaters alike. We love boiled or steamed edamame fresh out of the pods with a little sea salt and low-sodium soy sauce. A side of brown rice makes this simple snack a satisfying option. A little low-sodium soy sauce takes the flavor to the next level.

Pro Tip: This healthy snack can easily double as a side dish when paired with some chicken and fresh veggies.

14. Rice Cakes with Tuna

Rice Cakes with meat and Veggies

PowerFuel: ½ cup tuna canned in water

SmartCarb: 1 100% whole grain sandwich thin

Sandwich thins may seem boring on their own. However, you can really transform them with some tasty toppings! Try to make an open-faced sandwich with canned tuna and your favorite non-starchy vegetables like sliced tomatoes, cucumbers and spinach.

15. Turkey Breast and Whole Wheat Tortilla Roll-Ups

Turkey Breast and Tortilla Roll-Ups 

PowerFuel: 2 oz. cooked turkey breast

SmartCarb: 1 (6-inch) whole grain or corn tortilla

Make a smart and satisfying healthy snack with a little turkey breast rolled up in a whole wheat tortilla. Throw in your favorite non-starchy veggies, like spinach and roasted red peppers. If you have any of your daily Extras to spare for the day, you can add a tablespoon of reduced fat cream cheese.

Get started with Nutrisystem today!

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