Chicken and Potato Bake

Recipe posted in: Flex Meals & Snacks, Lunches & Dinners, Customer Submitted, Main Courses
chicken bake

Make a hearty, high protein meal that the whole family will enjoy! Once you taste this homestyle chicken bake, your favorite casserole dish will be working overtime.

This user generated recipe was submitted through our Recipe Submission page by Nutrisystem member, Shelby. She loves to prepare healthy meals that her husband and two daughters will enjoy. So, you know this recipe is family-approved! We’re so excited that Shelby took the time to share this delicious chicken bake for other families to enjoy.

Nutrisystem members are real people with real lives and families. Who better to ask for healthy Flex meal ideas and user generated content that fits into our weight loss plan AND your busy schedules? With the launch of our Recipe Submission feature right here on The Leaf Weight Loss Blog, you can submit your unique ideas that work for you and your lifestyle. Your recipe is bound to help other Nutrisystem followers in a similar situation!

One serving of this Chicken and Potato Bake contains 446 calories and counts as two PowerFuels, one SmartCarb and three Extras on the Nutrisystem program.

Add some green to your plate with a side of non-starchy veggies! Whip up one of these simple ideas:

Have a favorite recipe that you want to share with us? Submit your Flex meal creations on our Recipe Submission page for a chance to be featured on The Leaf!

Servings: 4

Calories per Serving: 446

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 2 PowerFuels, 1 SmartCarb and 3 Extras


  • 4 red potatoes
  • 1 red onion
  • 3-4 oz. boneless skinless chicken breasts (~12 oz. total)
  • 4 pieces of turkey bacon
  • 2 green onions
  • ¼ cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp. garlic powder


  1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
  2. Chop red potatoes and onions and place into a large bowl.
  3. Cut chicken breast into 2-inch chunks and place into bowl with the vegetables.
  4. Add the olive oil and stir to coat all ingredients evenly.
  5. Pour chicken-vegetable mixture into a baking dish and bake for 30-45 minutes, checking potatoes every 15 minutes. Cook until the potatoes are soft and chicken is cooked through.
  6. Remove baking dish from the oven and sprinkle with chopped turkey bacon.
  7. Bake for another 10 minutes, until bacon is fully cooked and crispy.
  8. Remove dish from oven. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese and garnish with diced green onions.
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