3-Ingredient Avocado Tomato Salad

Recipe posted in: Flex Meals & Snacks, Snacks, Customer Submitted, Sides
tomato avocado

Nothing tastes as good as a homegrown tomato. The store-bought varieties can’t compete with a freshly picked fruit from your own garden. Make your summer harvest the star of the show in a simple salad that’s ready in minutes! We’ve got just the recipe to use up all of that homegrown goodness: Check out this Avocado Tomato Salad, also known as the perfect side dish for your end-of-summer parties.

This user generated recipe was submitted by Nutrisystem member, Suzette, through our Recipe Submission page. Featuring just three ingredients, it’s an easy way to get in your vegetables if you’re in a pinch or have a busy schedule. It features a light ranch dressing, but you can easily swap in a different type that you enjoy. We also love it with a light Italian dressing or even just a little lemon juice and olive oil.

Healthy Hacks: Garnish your salad with fresh basil for even more fresh flavor! You can also serve it over a large bed of dark leafy greens, including spinach, arugula or kale. Want to pump up the protein? Toss in a healthy PowerFuel like grilled chicken, low-fat cheese or chopped nuts. You can even incorporate a SmartCarb like corn or black beans for extra fiber. Check out the Nutrisystem Grocery Guide for more topping inspiration!

One serving of this Avocado Tomato Salad clocks in at 151 calories. You can count it as one Vegetable and three Extras on your Nutrisystem meal plan. You are allotted three Extras per day, so make sure keep track of them for the best results!

Looking for more healthy ways to use up your homegrown tomatoes? Check out the popular recipes below:

Do you have a favorite tomato recipe that you want to share with us? Share the love and submit your Flex meal creations on our Recipe Submission page! You could have your recipe featured right here on The Leaf Weight Loss Blog.

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Servings: 1

Calories per Serving: 151

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 Vegetable and 3 Extras


  • 1 tomato
  • ¼ avocado
  • 2 Tbsp. light ranch dressing


  1. Chop up the tomato and avocado. Place into a bowl.
  2. Drizzle with dressing and serve.
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